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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mini Vacation...

The kids didn't have school on MLK Day so we decided to take a mini vacation and spent the night at a hotel swimming and having fun. The pool was semi-warm and the hot tub was even better. We swam all night with a break for pizza. Then we got up and swam the next morning until it was time to check out.

Timer Shot!!!

Elmo's World...

Bryn and I went to the Target Center in Minneapolis to see Elmo with her daycare friends. We had a blast. The show was quite entertaining! Here is Bryn during intermission, chomping on some licorice...

Very serious on the escalator...

Playing before the show started...

The whole crew...minus about 8 adults:)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

More fun in good ol' ND

We had a great time with everyone in North Dakota. It was nice getting to see the grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles! We were tempted just to take permanent camp. Bryn loves this Elmo sweatshirt. I cracked up when she kept wearing it around with her hood up.

Grandma and the girls. Tatelyn and Kate now have the same cool sweatshirt. They were very excited.

Jack, Taryn, Bryn and Papa played hard on Jack's new track. It was a "loud" hit!

Proud owner of cozy pj's. Happy New Year everyone!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We had an extended Christmas this year because I had to work for the holiday. We started our drive home to Bismarck on Monday morning when I got off work. We did get to celebrate at home together before and after work. Here is a quick photo before the church clothes came off... We opened presents Christmas Eve after dinner. I don't know how Jack guessed what this gift was!

Once again, Bryn got in to the gift opening full force.Kate, showing off one of her presents.

After everyone was in bed that night I went to work. Mike told the kids they couldn't come upstairs to see if Santa had come the next morning until Mom got home from work. When I walked in the door I could hear them conspiring downstairs, but they listened and didn't come up until I got home. This is Bryn's reaction to more presents!

Jack asked for a snow shovel and Kate asked for a "stack of chapter books." Santa delivered...and took a few bites of cookie, too.

We made a quick stop in Breckenridge on the way to Bismarck to see Grandma Marcy and a few others. It was a nice break in our trip and it was so good to see everyone. Once we arrived at Mom and Dad's, round 2 began.

Our time in Bismarck was filled with game playing. We stayed up to ring in the New Year (per Kate and Jack's request). We learned a new card game...garbage, and played for HOURS! We also tested out one of Kate's gifts...Headbanz. We had to guess the character on our Mickey ears. A famous duck...do you think Grandma Maureen knew the answer?Molly and Zoe are highlights of our visits. Jack was trying to teach Molly a few tricks...

Cookies, cookies, cookies

Looking at this picture makes me realize why we make cookies at Deb's house! Flour everywhere! We had a great time making cut outs for Santa. All three of them were fully involved.

The mullet is gone...

Bryn finally had her first haircut. She did pretty good. An Elmo video distracted her as she sat on my lap and hugged her glow worm. No smiles, as you can see, but no tears either:)

Bryn is 2!!!

Cheese! Happy Birthday to Bryn! Nothing like a shopping trip to start off the day:) We had a birthday lunch at the McDonald's playland with Jack and neighbor Deb.

A little relaxing with her favorite "pink" phone belonging to Deb.

When everyone was home for the evening we had dinner and cake. Don't worry, we had cool whip and strawberries after the cake was cut.

She needed a little help blowing out her candles.She LOVED opening presents this year. She dug right in!

Bryn had a lot of fun gifts and loved each one, but she especially loved her pillow pet (that Jack picked out).

Trying on her "Dora" boots:)

Happy Girl! After the opening was finished, she and all of her gifts, ended up in a box together.

Yay for Christmas Decorating!

Kate and Jack putting the ornaments on the tree... Bryn was getting the action, too!Don't forget the nativity sets. This set was a favorite "toy" throughout the season:)

The tree was a little heavy on the bottom with ornaments...I wonder why!?!

The finished product...this is the best look I can get out of Jack in front of the camera these days.

Piano Star

Kate performed at the local Caribou Coffee in November for an impromptu piano recital. She was a little shy at first, but quickly warmed up to the spotlight, playing many pieces for the audience. For a peek at the performance click here: http://youtu.be/Ks-gbWOPEF0