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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The MFB is MIA

Wow, how time flies when you are having fun (and working). So the Moch Family Blog has been Missing in Action, but here is a very long update. Bryn has not mastered the sippy cup (like all the Moch kids) she has mastered the straw for drinking. She is a big one year old, so no more bottle for this girl.

Loved this little picture. Such a sweet baby. She only fell asleep for a few minutes and then back on the go.

I know this is gross. But let's just say Bryn does pretty well to eat most of her food.

Kate and Jack's favorite pass time. Bath, popcorn and a movie!

Bryn loves the tub. She is getting to be much like her big brother and sister. She could spend lots of time in there until she takes a nose dive.

We made the big trip home to Bismarck. Ann had to work five nights in a row, so the kids and I (along with Aunty Krista) braved the trip home without Ann (we now love her even more than when we left).

Spending a little time at Papa Bob's and Grandma Mikie's. Thanks for all the pancakes.

I know what you are thinking... "Mike this is not a nice picture." True, but the guess what I got for my birthday. Thanks Myles and Maureen.

Ann got a new scarf, hat and mittens for her birthday...Ahh, cozy!

Bryn also had a birthday. Here is her first gift.

Meanwhile, Jack put on a great show at the book fair. He's come a long way. Last year, he would only go to the show not perform.

Will she ever walk? Here is a start (pretending to pull herself up).

We have had a lot of snow here. I mean a lot. Here is a little evidence of how much falls at one time.

Jack and Kate have taken up skating lessons. They have made great improvements over the last few weeks.

Kate had to get new skates. She wore hers down to the shoe.

We had great helpers to decorate the Christmas tree this year.

We laughed because most of our pictures of Bryn are with her eating in this chair. Yum.

Kate and Jack helped to decorate Bryn's birthday cake. She turned the big 1!

Bryn sampling her cake. I am not sure if she was a fan. A Moch kid who doesn't love sugar? Where have we gone wrong?

Instead, she enjoyed her favorite birthday meal....cheese and peas!

Bryn has been doing a good job getting around. Crawling like a rock star!

Bryn was not too interested in the wrapping paper for her birthday celebration.

Bryn helped to decorate the tree. She has done a great job of not pulling the ornaments down.

Kate had a reading part in her Advent play at church. She did a great job. She had a part that said... "low the angel said to Mary..." Kate got to church and told Ann, "Hey mom, I think I see Low." Kate thought the angels name was Low:)

Giggles from the girl.

I had to capture this moment. The kids went around collecting books in their bags and read on the stairs together.
Bryn cleaned out the diaper bag and found a little book we made for Kate. She loves it as much as Kate did.

A cheesy smile to all of you. Merry Christmas. I am sure we will have more photos after Christmas.